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Location since 1995:

3126 Middleford Drive

Cookeville, TN 38506

Local Phone 931-537-9920


We are about 2 minutes from the Algood WalMart or 1 minute from the new Algood Elementary and Middle School on Dry Valley Road---Call for directions or if you get lost


Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 4PM and Friday 9 AM - 12 Noon

Special appointments can be made outside normal hours if requested.

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

What do we offer?

"Agreed", "Uncontested", "Irreconcilable Differences" and "Stipulated" divorces are all we do and basically these are all the same. We do them for a low, reasonable flat fee. With over 35 years experience as an attorney we are experts at it and we’re extremely qualified. We offer a friendly and casual atmosphere, even over the phone, where we counsel and explain in plain English to our clients what the law states and offer them an educated guess as to how the court could rule so that they can come to an agreement in all areas of their divorce. Also, we do not require you to come to our office - that is your choice if you want to check us out and make an appointment to come by to shake our hands.

Geographical Areas Served

Attorney Frank Kessler is licensed to practice law in all 95 counties in Tennessee. We have had clients who have lived in almost half of these counties, and we now offer the same choices and conveniences to all Tennesseans, provided you give up your right to have your divorce done in the county of your current residence. After your divorce is completed, like most other legal post-judgment matters, if one ex-spouse breaches the Court Order, enforcement of the court documents must be brought in the county court where the party in alleged breach of the Court Order and Marital Dissolution Agreement resides.

No Court Appearance and Privacy Option

We offer you the option of getting your divorce through the mail, by stipulation and agreement that grounds for divorce exist, as long as the documents are signed before a Notary Public . This convenience option means that neither party is required to make a court appearance or to miss a day of work. We do not need to know the actual reasons for the divorce and by the use of a Waiver and filing in a county other than your county of residence, your privacy is protected because only you and our law firm knows where your documents have been filed in the public records and recorded with the Clerk of the Court- and we take your privacy seriously.

Tennessee Residency Requirements

If you are outside of the Nashville-Cookeville-Knoxville-Chattanooga triangle but are still a resident of Tennessee for the past six months, or were a resident of the state at the time the grounds for divorce took place, and/or you lived in Tennessee when you decided to get a divorce, we are still able to do your divorce completely through the mail without your court appearance.

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